I wrote this a couple of weeks ago and before you think I'm off on a rant the truth is when you look at it from some ways off its rather funny, but it might also offer a few handy tips for anyone needing to re-register a vehicle. This week has been a really crazy one, full of having to achieve, but very little actually getting done except for a huge amount of learning. It is a fact of life that if you build bikes whether it's as a profession or as a pass time, you are going to have to deal with the government, be it the licensing or traffic department or police for that matter. This week I had the dubious pleasure to have to deal with all the above mentioned. On Monday morning bright and breezy I was on the road to pick up the bike trailer and from there to load 3 bikes. On the way I stopped and collected Nicci and Little Laika and off we went. One bike had to go to a friend who is reworking the frame, simple enough, and that went off without a hitch. The next stop Stic
a never ending stream of consciousness