service |ˈsÉ™rvis| noun 1 the action of helping or doing work for someone : millions are involved in voluntary service . • an act of assistance : he has done us a great service | hevolunteered his services as a driver . • assistance or advice given to customers during and afterthe sale of goods : they aim to provide better quality of service . • the action or process of serving food and drinks to customers: they complained of poor bar service . What has happened to it? It seems that service is a thing of the past, that as consumers we have no right to decent service, let alone GOOD service. It seems that people who own, or work within a store feel like they are doing you a favor, like dude, you are taking up valuable time they could be spending doing.... what? For fuck sake, this is your job! Your chosen profession! I recently had some framing done at Cheston Art Gallery in Canal Walk, Century City, whatever you do don't get your fr
a never ending stream of consciousness