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Showing posts from March, 2017

Dog / God, God / Dog

I did one of the most devastating things I have ever had to do. On the 16th I had to let my darling companion for the last 13 years go, and tell her that we will meet again. I know to most people a dog is just a pet and this seems probably a little dramatic, but for me, Laika shared most every moment of my life, I have spent more time in her presence that anyone or thing else. Laika and I barely moved without each other in viewing distance, where I sat, she lay in view, when I got up to work, she came and lay there, we went to the workshop and she would lay so she could watch me, and if I moved off to far, she would move to another spot to keep an eye on me. If Laika was not in my peripheral vision, I would go look for her and 10 out of 10 times she was hidden in some corner from where she could see me. Now that she has passed on, the void is cavernous, I don't hear her footfall on the wooden floors anymore, her breathing and sometimes snoring as she slept, those funny d

No you don't!

I'm gonna say it and I don't care if you like it or not but you do not have the right to an opinion. You have the right to have an informed opinion, and that is all, and if you choose to exercise that right back it up with some nugget of good advise or wisdom, be in-fucking-formed. I am sick and tired of people who sit behind computer screens sprouting shit about what everyone else is doing, yes doing!!!! you just sit on your fat ass and spew your critique as though you deserve to be able to do that. Well fuck you, you don't, and I will now have to explain this before you run crying to your hate spewing keyboard. A good friend of mine Jens, is a custom bike builder, we tinker, he's a great designer and enjoys carrying it through to motorcycles. He built Octavia, a BMW G650 X Challenge.  Love it hate it, it doesn't matter because it's what he wanted to build, and that was his vision, and you can criticise all you like, but until you get of your as

My Friend.

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about a friend of mine, I won't go into names cause I am sure he doesn't want the attention. I met him about 25 years ago, both of us proud cocks working at getting rich or die trying. The meeting was through a mutual acquaintance and I can't speak for him, but in my case the meeting was thorny and reserved. We were different people pulling in our own direction both believing the other was a bit of an ass. We met on several occasions mostly at the mutual friends place, he is a very gregarious type personality and was always doing stuff at his home so we would often be both invited, but still this distance remained. I got divorced, probably one of the most traumatic events in my life, I left town to escape the fall out, I won't lie, I ran, I just could not put enough space between myself and all the damage we had caused each other. In doing so I left everything, but shouldered all the blame and abuse, the lies and deluded self


"The 54 Special" Is our second street tracker, and began it's life as a Honda xlr 250, officially not imported into the country so quite rare. The frame has was not altered in any way and can be put back to stock with minimum fuss. However we did make the the seat pan with side plates and tank filler panel by hand in Aluminum. This was my first attempt at doing my own metal shaping. The front wheel is off a Yamaha XJ650 that we drilled out and polished, giving us a 19 inch up front, I drilled it out a little to give it a lighter look. Why a mag rim? well I think it looks cool and by keeping it polished silver, I think it draws even more attention to itself, which for me equals cool. We imported the rear rim in a 19 inch rim and after having been let down by the local Haidenau supplier I brought in the Shinko flat track tire for it, hard compound, we are seeing how it lasts. It was important for me that it ran 19inch front and rear as the Americans do, and