I have been robbed, some little twats crawled into a window and nicked my bag with my computer, cameras, and a few other things, Laika must have scared them off, cause I heard her go downstairs but thought nothing of it. Obviously I claimed from my insurance company, who has 6 weeks later repudiated my claim, and my broker now is fighting this using the ombudsman to do so. This is all part of a trend I have noticed; it seems like every company out there offering a service is out to do you in, like thieves in the night. My insurance company, 20 years of premiums, but when it comes to a claim do everything not to reimburse you for your loss, even the accessor makes you feel like you were wrong by even claiming. My Medical Aid, now there is an oxymoron, premium every month over a R1200, but how is it that I run out of funds half way through the year, hell!, I will buy a month, maybe two before year end but half way? Then I’m on some meds I have to take constantly so I apply for c...