Well little Kona makes another day, and Im hoping a few more, still watching her carefully and I thought yesterday was gonna be it, as she didn't look good when I got home, but found some spring in her step to come ask for treats, and then chewed on the treat heartily, so we will se what everyday brings.
Today is the Godoy Machine Seminar, Brett from 2Evolve supply, a company dedicated to supplying the local tattoo and piercing market with the very best quality products from across the globe, put this amazing opportunity together for local artists. I now only use Godoy machines, bought my first almost 4 years ago, and it still works everyday, without missing a beat and packing ink into the skin
Check out this QR code, if you have a barcode reader or a qr app reader on your cellular, go to the app and aim your camera onto the code below, and you will take you somewhere.....lol

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