it's the start of week 5 and Im surprised at how fast it's passed in some aspects and in others it feels like an eternity and Im beginning to really miss my home and my girls..... got a message that alls well with them, but dogs aren't like people you can't just chat to them on the phone and hear that they are ok, or tell them you will be home soon.... Through my darkest days, and the past 4 and a half years has seen a lot of those, they have always been there, often the only comfort in my life
It’s been a while since my last post, but I’m not going to bore you with bullshit post every second day. I have been meaning to get some stuff out, but have refrained, but some stuff just has to come out. Firstly, I have plugged a restaurant called “Orinoco” in Bree street, great value and authentic South American food, I’m afraid to say, no longer, I took Nicci for dinner and two ridiculous portions of poorly cooked food, cost over R480-00, I’m sorry, but that’s just retarded, and had the food been of an epic standard, it would not have pissed me off so much, but this is just fucked up. I complained to the owner, and the best she could do was shrug her shoulders, well that’s blown it for me, they certainly will not see me there again, and I would suggest you stay away too. It is just amazing how the odd little magazine article and a little plug here and there can give people such an attitude, Bob said it best, “Be good to the people you meet on the way up, cause you’re b...
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