Obviously my thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Philip Seymour Hoffman (PSH) A tragic loss and I hope there is some solace in the love and goodwill shown by so many at his loss.
There are thousands of drug addicts who die every year and never make the news, so as crass as it may seem, I do think I want to express my opinion, yes, yes, opinions are like blah, blah, blah, on this matter PSH, dying with a needle in his arm is crazy, but it does provide me with a soapbox.
Is it not time that the world begins to take a sensible hard look at "illegal drugs" it just seems that we need to rethink the way drug use is criminalised, and perhaps instead of waging "The War On Drugs" perhaps there are other ways of dealing with the issue. Perhaps decriminalisation is something that should be considered, and I know there are far greater minds out there who could come up with some really great methods to aid, educate, dispense even control the use of drugs. The biggest issue for me is that this illegal drug trade, fuels so much criminality and uses up so many of societies resources, that perhaps a change of approach needs to take place. Will it stop people like PSH dying?, probably not, my neighbour is in his mid thirties and dying of liver sorosis, from all his binge drinking, and alcohol is legal, so perhaps the suggestions I make don't hold much water either. You would think though in this day and age, surrounded by so many great minds, no one has spent much time trying to find a better way, well not as much time as those wanting to keep the status quo it seems.
Just a few thoughts that woke me this morning, so here is a quick list of celebrity deaths that come to mind due to drug overdoses
Jean-Michel Basquiat, John Belushi, Tommy Bolin, Lenny Bruce, Paul Butterfield, Truman Capote, Dorothy Dandridge, John Entwistle, Brian Epstein, Judy Garland, Margaux Hemingway, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Alan Ladd, Heath Ledger, Phil Lynott, Marilyn Monroe, Jim Morrison, Gram Parsons, River Phoenix, Dee Dee Ramone, and I could go on but you get what I am trying to say.
There are thousands of drug addicts who die every year and never make the news, so as crass as it may seem, I do think I want to express my opinion, yes, yes, opinions are like blah, blah, blah, on this matter PSH, dying with a needle in his arm is crazy, but it does provide me with a soapbox.
Is it not time that the world begins to take a sensible hard look at "illegal drugs" it just seems that we need to rethink the way drug use is criminalised, and perhaps instead of waging "The War On Drugs" perhaps there are other ways of dealing with the issue. Perhaps decriminalisation is something that should be considered, and I know there are far greater minds out there who could come up with some really great methods to aid, educate, dispense even control the use of drugs. The biggest issue for me is that this illegal drug trade, fuels so much criminality and uses up so many of societies resources, that perhaps a change of approach needs to take place. Will it stop people like PSH dying?, probably not, my neighbour is in his mid thirties and dying of liver sorosis, from all his binge drinking, and alcohol is legal, so perhaps the suggestions I make don't hold much water either. You would think though in this day and age, surrounded by so many great minds, no one has spent much time trying to find a better way, well not as much time as those wanting to keep the status quo it seems.
Just a few thoughts that woke me this morning, so here is a quick list of celebrity deaths that come to mind due to drug overdoses
Jean-Michel Basquiat, John Belushi, Tommy Bolin, Lenny Bruce, Paul Butterfield, Truman Capote, Dorothy Dandridge, John Entwistle, Brian Epstein, Judy Garland, Margaux Hemingway, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Alan Ladd, Heath Ledger, Phil Lynott, Marilyn Monroe, Jim Morrison, Gram Parsons, River Phoenix, Dee Dee Ramone, and I could go on but you get what I am trying to say.
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