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The epitome of uselessness FUCK TELKOM

There is no doubt that since the government has been taken over by the ANC  it has been a backward slide into the abyss. The rampant theft and rape of the economy has driven councils into the ground, and Parastalas have become the home of ineptitude. What follows is just the FaceBook messages between myself and Telkom, not the numerous phone calls done using my cellular, and the days spent waiting for no one to arrive.

I don't get it, 3 days of waiting for Telkom, after they sent me messages about the date and time they were going to install. We have been without a line and ADSL for 2 weeks, it's crippling our business, it's truly unconscionable. So much money spent on a Hussein Bolt ad, and snails pace at services, what the actual fuck???? #telkom @telkom So... Telkom arrived today and .... "there's a fault somewhere and we can't install, thanks bye" ???? So what the fuck now? Just nothing, no future date, no someone will contact you, fuck all. What the actual fuck! So the drama continues, first message they can only install on the 22nd, second message arrived the 11 saying they are on their way, still didn't arrive. I called and now I'm told there's a network problem. It's just ridiculous!!!

(Telkom) Hi Milo,please provide us with your id number and contact number so that we can do a follow on this matter.^LR

My number is 0845886005 and my I'd is 6406085190083

(Telkom) Hi, thank you for the details, we will follow up. ^RY

Thanks for achieving absolutely nothing, in fact you managed to set my instalation back another week from the 22nd to the 28th. Whatever you do don't help!

(Telkom) Hi Milo, apologies for the inconvenience but at least the installation will take place 🙂.^TM

'm running a business and it's unconscionable that you have left me without a phone or Internet for more than a month. We should be burning telkom down too

(Telkom) Hi Milo,we will follow up with our team and revert back to you.^NG

Well done again Telkom once again you have not failed to disappoint. Now for the 5th time you have said a technician was on his way to install and once again he has not arrived. My order # 141280795. You people are the epitome of complete shit. You have driven my business into the ground leaving us for more than a month without phone lines or Internet. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

(Telkom) Hi, we will follow up on the query and provide feedback. ^RY

Once again nothing is happening. It has been 2 month in a week from now and still nothing. There is however a technician at the goodman gallery building right across the road and yet you are unable to sort this out. What the hell is wrong with you people.

(Telkom) hi Milo an agent will be assigned to follow up on your behalf. ^TS

And still no one has contacted me???????

(Telkom) We have handed your query to our Team for further assistance, they will be in touch with you.^LM

Still nothing, what the fuck are you people actually doing?


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