As the year comes to an end here on my lighthouse lit island, shared with all manner of irritating fireworks I’m not having a hard time at all saying goodbye to year I could have done without. Most of what took place has been negative and in my opinion best forgotten, as with all those involved and so saying goodbye to 2011 has not been hard to do at all. Now with an eye to the future and the birth of a new year, and I’m grateful to be starting from a good, healthy place, deep inside myself, and with that I think the year can only be a good one. I hope to put all those hard lessons learned from this year to good use and they will serve me well, and allow me to do the best at my passion for my art by creating beautiful works for my clients. I am truly fortunate to have the clients I do, and to all of you, I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have been able to create the kind of tattoos that you love. It is a great honor and privilege to be able to continue to tattoo ...
a never ending stream of consciousness